10 Secrets to Surviving the Long Haul of Homeschooling
I bumped into this article recently. It's one I'd written a couple of years back, first for a home education periodical, then it made its way to a few more online sites as is often the case. As I scanned it, I was reminded of the fuel that kept me going as a homeschool mama for so many, many years as my sons were growing up. Unquestionably the most pivotal years in my season of child rearing. As a mid-life mama, I wince when I reflect on some of my parenting decisions (you, too?!), but I've never second-guessed my decision to home educate. Those were key years in my life and in the lives of our sons.
Perhaps you're a homeschooler in the middle of the school year - I hope this brings you some tangible encouragement and fuels your fire to the finish line. Or, you might have a friend who home educates and could use a boost in the arm; why not shoot it over to them...