Scary Mommy?
Flipping through the greeting cards at Target, I bumped into this one...
"I saw Mom at the store today. (I sure hope she didn't see me!")
(Note to self: Don't be that mom)
We've all been 'that mom' from time to time (I'll be the first one to raise my guilty hand), but I'm here to say, we can choose a better way, as we gain insight into what builds camaraderie versus what repels our children from us.
We don't have to perpetuate the problem of the breakdown of generational relationships. Period.
But it takes a lot of wisdom and intentional effort on a daily basis to become the kind of parent our adult kids want to be around.
This time of year always takes me back to this moment...
My son.
He was becoming less mine and more his own in this season.
He rarely needed me anymore.
We hold our breath as we sense this shift.
How could I stay connected to this amazing young man?
How could I nurture our friendship as adults?
His diligent efforts as a home schooler had landed him a full scholarship to the premier cosmetology school in our city to achieve his dream of becoming a hair stylist at age 16. His flexible schedule allowed him to pursue his passion full time and expedite his licensing.
He casually mentioned they were having a dress-up day for Halloween at the student-run salon on campus.
As he created his ingenious Mad Hatter costume pictured above, (awesome, right??!) I had a thought.
I, too, would dress up and surprise him at school that day!
And so I did.
I remember getting lost on the California freeways - sooo hopelessly lost...most intelligent adults would have given up and gone home.
Not me!
I don't give up.
He literally did not recognize me and dismissed me as a client. #winning
He walked right past me with his cluster of fellow students as they returned from grabbing snacks at the nearby 7-11.
(No, I didn't mention the Dr. Pepper he was holding was crap and would tank his immune system within 15 minutes, and that he shouldn't be drinking it with those blasted poison GMO non-food taco-flavored Doritos, and that Halloween was the devil's holiday, and that I smelled cigarettes. Nope.)
Such 'wisdom' is better left unsaid in this season of transition, as our children become adults. (I'm laughing out loud right now!)
Oh, how much I've learned as a mother of adult children.
And I'm so glad I've employed it (umm...most of the time), because my children don't hide from me now that they're grown.
No, my journey of parenting adults hasn't been Easy Street, but I've determined to glean the treasure in it all, win the battles and live to see the dreams God has put in my heart.
(And I always make sure to take really good notes when I'm in the school of hard knocks!)
I'd love to share my notes with YOU because on the other side of my inner battles, I believe I can help you navigate this transition to parenting your adult kids so you, too, can enjoy more peace, better sleep, less guilt and painful regret while fostering healthy friendships with your grown-up kids.
I don't share fancy pants platitudes and religious blah blah blah. I believe in super practical, easily actionable advice. And I've got some hard-earned wisdom I can hardly wait to share with you!
Join me HERE!
Got millennials? You'll get me...
If you're parenting young adults at the moment, here's an article I think you'll enjoy. Tears in My Coffee...
No tricks just my favorite treats...
If you've followed me for awhile, you know I do my best to sow lots of seeds toward good heath, but that doesn't mean I don't eat treats!
A girl's gotta have some fun, and we're privileged to have some seriously awesome goodies available these days that are scrumptious and better than Snickers, M&Ms and Almond Joy bars!
Here are 3 of my absolute favs I buy regularly and highly recommend!
P.S. Costco sells them here in the U.S. so you get lots for your money!

3 SIMPLE INGREDIENTS: Organic Coconut, Organic Cassava Syrup & Dark Chocolate
ONLY 3G SUGAR: we keep sugar to a minimum, without using sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners. We carefully formulate our coconut bars with only the best, quality ingredients that put flavor first without all of the sugar.

HALF THE SUGAR, DOUBLE THE DELICIOUS Always low-sugar and low carb but more importantly JOJO’s Dark Chocolate is so delicious you won't actually believe it's low-sugar.
SATISFY YOUR SUGAR CRAVINGS, 70% Dark Chocolate, Pistachios, Almonds & Cranberries + Plant-based protein
EVERYTHING YOU WANT, NOTHING YOU DON’T- Certified Gluten Free, NON-GMO, Soy Free, Paleo, Vegan & Keto Friendly

Contains zero net carbs, zero calories, and is zero-glycemic; Perfect for cookies, coffee, desserts, and other sweet, sugar-free treats
Matches the sweetness of sugar; A healthy cup-for-cup alternative to ordinary sugar
Works with ketogenic, diabetic, candida, paleo, vegan, low-carb, low-sugar, non-GMO, and all-natural diets
White sugar substitute for baking and cooking
A mix of monk fruit extract and erythritol with no fiber, no maltodextrin, and no artificial flavoring or sweeteners
Taylor Ransom creates and acts in this Halloween parody - a brilliant, sometimes stinging, satirical sketch that most likely has its roots in his childhood as a church kid.
I'm rolling...