Who Is That Little One?

 Born easily on a happy Friday evening 31 years ago today, he didn’t make a sound. Those big brown eyes brimming with wonder, scanned the room as if he’d come from another planet…hungry to know. Our second-born son, he grew up under the love and concern of his older brother; the strong, gifted leader and administrator who guarded him and showed him the way and bossed him about when necessary. 
His best buddy. He turned one, and mommy (that’s me) was expecting son number three. A busy season.

Quietly that little guy honed his musical gifts. He began, at an early age, to tap on everything with pencils – turning any available surface into a drum. When I could take no more audible rhythms, I would look his way and say, “thank you, honey, that’s enough now.” He obeyed quickly. I was then occupied with three little guys and didn’t realize who he was to become. No money for lessons, anyway. Music was just a hobby after all, right?He was to be a gifted musician, songwriter, entertainer, whose art is reaching around the globe, being enjoyed thus far by tens of thousands, but I didn’t have a clue. 

Who is that little guy sleeping in his bed? Is he a doctor, a lawyer, a CEO, a trash collector, a manager, a pastor, a landlord?

Who will he become? Where will he make his impact? Will he marry and have 8 children? Will he paint marvelous portraits?

Oh, the wonderful, magical surprises God has for that little one.

How would we live if we knew in advance, the wonderful things He has prepared for the sons and daughters born to us?

We would invest wisely.

We would carefully tend to their souls.

Our prayers would be genuine, costly and intent. Our covering, strong.

Who is that little one sleeping in his bed at your house tonight? How are you attending to his destiny?

Here’s a sample of what he’s created, (yes, in collaboration with his four brothers!) Happy Birthday, Benjamin! The best is yet to come.


Denise Mira

Denise Mira
, author of No Ordinary Child: Unlocking the Leader Within Your Child, and contributing author to many publications, is the mother of five sons. Denise is a veteran homeschooler, author, speaker and entrepreneur. She has traveled extensively, both nationally and internationally, inspiring change as she shares the message God has given her for families. She is passionate about helping moms and dads train up No Ordinary Children through her writing, speaking, YouTube videos, and coaching and consulting with parents in all seasons of their parenting journeys. Visit her at www.denisemira.com. You can reach her at contact@denisemira.com.


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