Empowering Arsenal: Unlock Your Kids' Powerful Potential with Biblical Wisdom

In this conversation, Denise Mira discusses the concept of raising children according to the Scriptures.

She emphasizes the importance of connecting the teachings of the Bible to practical parenting.

Denise shares a favorite scripture, Psalm 127, which compares children to arrows in the hands of a warrior.

She highlights that children are not inconveniences or accidents, but powerful weapons against the kingdom of darkness.

Denise encourages parents to sharpen, nurture, and mold their children to fulfill their potential as agents of change in society.

Sound Bites

"Children are a blessing. Which one would we give back?"

"Children are weapons of mass destruction against the kingdom of darkness."

"Arrows are meant to penetrate. A blunt arrow is not too useful."

"You are putting the hammer to the nail through the head of those whose target is on your back."


  • Connect the teachings of the Bible to practical parenting.

  • Children are powerful weapons against the kingdom of darkness.

  • Parents have the responsibility to sharpen, nurture, and mold their children.

  • Children have the potential to be agents of change in society.


  • 00:00 Introduction: Raising Children According to the Scriptures

  • 03:01 Children as Weapons Against the Kingdom of Darkness

  • 07:50 The Four Qualities of Arrows

  • 13:32 The Responsibility of Parents

Denise Mira

Denise Mira
, author of No Ordinary Child: Unlocking the Leader Within Your Child, and contributing author to many publications, is the mother of five sons. Denise is a veteran homeschooler, author, speaker and entrepreneur. She has traveled extensively, both nationally and internationally, inspiring change as she shares the message God has given her for families. She is passionate about helping moms and dads train up No Ordinary Children through her writing, speaking, YouTube videos, and coaching and consulting with parents in all seasons of their parenting journeys. Visit her at www.denisemira.com. You can reach her at contact@denisemira.com.


Rediscovering the Awe and Privilege of Parenthood


Empowered Homemakers: Wisdom, Faith, and the Heroic Role of Women