Revolutionizing Education: One Mama Bear's Mission Empowering Parents to Launch Hybrid Schools

In this episode, Denise Mira interviews Lesley Russell, a seasoned homeschool Mama Bear of four and the founder of her branded Equip 2:10—a movement that is, in her words, “bringing God back onto the mountain of education and helping children walk in their identity in Jesus Christ, in the calling on their life that only they can fulfill.” 

Equip 2:10 is a discipleship-based hybrid model that merges homeschooling with the best of traditional schooling to “bring the Holy Spirit onto the mountain of education,” as Mrs. Russell would say.

Leslie shares powerful testimonies of student transformation and invites believers from all walks of life to join the education revolution by launching their very own Equip 2:10 campus to impact culture.


  • Parents play a crucial role in their children's education and should be actively involved in their learning journey.

  • Homeschooling can provide a nurturing and supportive environment for students, leading to improved well-being and academic success.

  • Equip 210 focuses on discipleship and helping children discover their identity and calling in Christ.

  • The program offers opportunities for high schoolers to earn college credits and develop valuable skills.

  • The Children's Educational Opportunity Act in California aims to provide educational savings accounts for families, giving them more choice and control over their children's education.


  • 00:00 Introduction to Leslie Russell and Equip 210

  • 03:16 The Revolution of Education and the Impact of COVID-19

  • 08:44 The Journey of Homeschooling and the Birth of Equip 210

  • 12:21 The Shift to Equip 210 and the Focus on Discipleship

  • 14:36 Parental Involvement and the Importance of Creating a Kingdom Culture

  • 17:29 Flexible Options for Parents and the Benefits of Homeschooling

  • 22:03 Testimonies of Transformed Students and the Impact of Equip 210

  • 27:07 Starting a School with Equip 210 and the Children's Educational Opportunity Act

  • 33:40 The Hope and Future of Education Reform

Denise Mira

Denise Mira
, author of No Ordinary Child: Unlocking the Leader Within Your Child, and contributing author to many publications, is the mother of five sons. Denise is a veteran homeschooler, author, speaker and entrepreneur. She has traveled extensively, both nationally and internationally, inspiring change as she shares the message God has given her for families. She is passionate about helping moms and dads train up No Ordinary Children through her writing, speaking, YouTube videos, and coaching and consulting with parents in all seasons of their parenting journeys. Visit her at You can reach her at


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