The Superpower of Parenting

Denise Mira introduces herself as a passionate advocate for parenting and shares her personal journey as a mother of five sons.

She believes that parenting is revolutionary and has the power to shape the world.

Denise emphasizes the importance of recognizing the potential in each child and the role parents play in their development.

She encourages parents to see beyond the challenges and struggles of everyday life and embrace their superpower as mentors, not managers.

The podcast aims to provide guidance, inspiration, and empowerment to parents, helping them create a revolution in their homes and ultimately impact society.


  • Parenting is a revolutionary act that has the power to shape the world.

  • Recognize the potential in each child and the impact parents have on their development.

  • Recognize the potential and power in each child and embrace the role of a mentor.

  • Empower and inspire parents to create a revolution in their homes and raise children who will change the world.

  • The podcast aims to provide guidance, inspiration, and empowerment to parents.

  • See beyond the struggles and challenges of everyday life and focus on the long-term impact of parenting.

Sound Bites

  • "Parenting is revolutionary at every level."

  • "We need a revolution in our parenting that will then trickle down to become a revolution in our nation."

  • "A revolution is a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and believing."

  • "Parents are the key to raising children who will change nations."


  • 00:00 Introduction and Personal Journey

  • 02:53 Parenting as a Revolutionary Act

  • 08:12 Unlocking the Potential in Every Child

  • 13:45 Embracing the Superpower of Parenting

Denise Mira

Denise Mira
, author of No Ordinary Child: Unlocking the Leader Within Your Child, and contributing author to many publications, is the mother of five sons. Denise is a veteran homeschooler, author, speaker and entrepreneur. She has traveled extensively, both nationally and internationally, inspiring change as she shares the message God has given her for families. She is passionate about helping moms and dads train up No Ordinary Children through her writing, speaking, YouTube videos, and coaching and consulting with parents in all seasons of their parenting journeys. Visit her at You can reach her at


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